Friday, June 29, 2007

Snort starter configuration

Everyone has their own ways of configuring up a new Snort IDS sensor, below is a glance over the base options that I feel should be given some attention when first deploying. This applies to the 2.6 strain of Snort.

HOME_NET variable

var HOME_NET [,]

The general rule to keep in mind when setting the HOME_NET variable is to specify the networks or hosts you are protecting. For example, if watching a gateway where your local network resides on one side, and the Internet on the other - HOME_NET would be set for your local network address.



I generally set my EXTERNAL_NET variable to be anything not in my HOME_NET. Essentially, anything that is not in the "protected" zone for this sensor. There are exceptions to this rule, for example, a highly subnetted internal network that may have other sensors watching elsewhere or that you generally are not interesting in watching traffic from with a network IDS.

Service-specific variables



Next comes the groupings of service-specific variables. There are two main reasons for getting these as accurate as possible pertaining to the network you are watching with this sensor. First, they will make the potential alerts more accurate - think less false positives, because you are only looking for DNS-related alerts against DNS servers (if the rules are written with these variables used of course). Second, they will make your Snort engine more efficient. Instead of applying certain rules against all IP addresses, if a rule is written to watch for a certain HTTP exploit and specifies the HTTP_SERVERS variable in the rule, it will only be applied against those specific servers. Any limits you place on what Snort has to match against, speeds up the whole process.

Service-specific port variables

include coldfusion.rules
var HTTP_PORTS 8080
include coldfusion.rules

I won't spend time here, but the same principles that apply to the service-specific variables for IP addresses in the section above, also apply here for various ports. *Note that each port definition must be defined separately and with each rule set bound to it, unless using contiguous ports - such as 80:85.

Detection Engine memory usage

config detection: search-method ac-bnfa

Various options can be used here that both directly affect the performance of the detection engine and the resources it uses. Utilizing ac-bnfa is becoming both the default recommended setting from various sources, and I can attest to having the best globally acceptable expectations across numerous platforms and hardware. It is rated at "low memory, high performance".

frag3 preprocessor

preprocessor frag3_global: max_frags 65536
preprocessor frag3_engine: policy windows bind_to []
preprocessor frag3_engine: policy linux detect_anomalies

The frag3 preprocessor handles IP fragmentation and attempts to thwart the various IDS evasion techniques that utilize fragmentation. The key thing I want to point out here, is the policy bindings. Different operating systems, implement TCP/IP in different ways, and thus handle IP fragmentation in different ways. The frag3 preprocessor is a target-based preprocessor that allows you to let the IDS see the reassembled packets in the way the target OS will. The first policy statement above applies a "windows" policy, which Windows happens to follow for example. The last policy statement without the bind_to, applies to all other target IP addresses other than our 192.168.10.x network.

Perfmonitor preprocessor

preprocessor perfmonitor: time 300 file /data/snort/snort.stats

As its name implies, this preprocessor measures performance. Things such as CPU usage, packet counts, and my favorite - drop rate, are measured here. The above configuration line tells the perfmonitor preprocessor to write out statistics every 300 seconds to that particular file.

sfportscan preprocessor

preprocessor sfportscan: proto { all } ignore_scanned { }ignore_scanners { } sense_level { low }

Not everyone feels it necessary to run this preprocessor, especially on internal network segments, where portscans should be less of an issue - but a few tuning options can go a long way. Utilizing the ignore_scanned and ignore_scanners options, can reduce portscan alerts generated by sensitive targets or sources - for instance a vulnerability assessment scanner. The sense level can be raised to higher levels to detect slow scans, but at the expense of generating more false positives - whereas setting to low will only watch for error responses from the targets of a potential scan, making this option much less noisy.

Removing unnecessary rule sets

include $RULE_PATH/smtp.rules
include $RULE_PATH/coldfusion.rules

One of the best ways to improve performance of your sensors (ie. reduction of dropped packets), is to globally remove rule sets that are not pertinent to the hosts you are protecting with this sensor. For example, do NOT include coldfusion.rules if you do not have ColdFusion servers you are protecting. Remove or comment out those rule sets that are not necessary from your snort configuration altogether.

Use of Bleeding Threats rule sets


include $BLEEDING_RULE_PATH/bleeding.rules


include $BLEEDING_RULE_PATH/bleeding-attack_response.rules
include $BLEEDING_RULE_PATH/bleeding-dos.rules

Much along the lines of globally removing rule sets that do not pertain to your environment, is if you decide to use Bleeding Threats rules, do not use the large, all inclusive bleeding.rules. Select only the individual rule sets that you are interested in using.


suppress gen_id 1, sig_id 1231, track by_src, ip
suppress gen_id 1, sig_id 573, track by_dst, ip

I will get into this area in a future post in much more depth, but utilizing threshold.conf for both thresholding and suppression can be extremely beneficial. If you have a Nagios server that constantly trips an alert for an SNMP rule against a certain router, consider utilizing a suppression to remove this particular instance from alerting, while still allowing other hosts to trigger this rule.


There are numerous configuration options within Snort, and this post only touched upon the few that I feel are most immediately useful with the tweaks above. Every sensor and network is different, for example, performance tuning the stream4 preprocessor or tuning http_inspect for particular ports, will be more or less important in various situations. Utilizing a base Snort configuration, tweaking as necessary to tailor for both resource constraints (bandwidth, processor, memory) and network profile (types of servers and traffic, nature of environment, etc.), will make your Snort IDS sensor much more useful.

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