Thursday, June 7, 2007

Prelude for Event Management (ie. SIM)

The hybrid IDS, or "meta-IDS", as described by the project's founder, makes an excellent choice as a SIM/Event Management tool in what is a sparse area of the Open Source world. Not only is it "good enough" to justify not throwing hundreds of thousands of dollars at an Arcsight or Network Intelligence solution, it has far exceeded my expectations in many areas.

I'd like to commence this first post on Prelude, by detailing five things that I most like about it. In no particular order, let us begin the Prelude Five.

** The Framework **

When Prelude first started out, it was very much an IDS, with a NIDS of its own, etc. But realizing that the framework itself was the crux of this project, was probably the wisest design decision made.

From deploying and configuring numerous sensors, from Samhain to Snort, the Prelude library makes it seamless to connect agents/sensors into the existing framework. TLS encrypted channels secure the data in transit, from your agents to Prelude Managers at a central site or in a relaying configuration to distribute the load. Registration of the individual agents/sensors/relays, allows you to only accept and connect systems that you specifically specify.

The distributed architecture allows for various systems, along the route to your central site, to spool events and data when various relays, etc. are unavailable. Both allowing you to spread out your load, and have fault-tolerance baked in.

** Versatile API **

Have a sensor or tool that has data you want sent to Prelude and it isn't one of the natively supported sensors? No big deal! Prelude's API allows you to use C, Perl, or Python to format your alert/event in IDMEF and pump it into the Prelude framework. Install the Prelude library, format the data appropriately, and use one of the languages to create your client and away you go.


If there is one thing that the Open Source world of projects frequently lacks, it is a nice GUI interface. Prewikka, the web interface to Prelude, is one exception to this statement.

The ability to view alerts, drill-down to event data, view agents - and not to mention the additional features in a commercial add-on (that includes graphs, stats, ticketing, reports, etc.). The Python-based code, runs either as a CGI program, mod_python module or within its own self-contained web daemon. All in all, a very well thought out interface that is both usable and constantly improving.

**Analysis Engines**

Two analyzers that come with Prelude, are the Correlator and LML (log monitoring lackey).

Let's say you want to analyze your syslog data or even your windows event logs (exporting them via ntsyslog in a syslog format), this is what LML is for. Heavily weighted in regular expressions, you generate alerts from your logs on failed SSH logins, firewall events, mail system abnormalities, and all the usual suspects that make up a standard log analyzer. But here's the real catch....most of these open source log analyzers are written in Perl, while LML is "highly optimized" in C! I've personally seen LML with the default ruleset not break a sweat on thousands of large syslog messages per second, when SEC (a very fine pattern matching program itself) get brought to its knees with a much smaller, tuned ruleset.

Then there is the Correlator, still technically not released officially, and with a very minimal ruleset at the moment, but nonetheless extremely usable. What would an event management solution be if it couldn't take in Snort alerts, and correlate them with firewall or syslog events. This is just what the Correlator does, by leveraging Prelude's heavy reliance on the IDMEF RFC for event format, allowing correlation across any of the fields.

Best of all, both with Correlator and LML, you can add/change/delete rules as you see fit. No black box, enable or disable only options for you - this is Open Source my friend!

**Modular Plugins**

So you want to pump your data into a database, who wouldn' enable the database plugin, make a few changes, and presto. Maybe you don't want to log to the database and you want all your alerts in a flat text file, sure that can be done. Or you could purchase, for minimal dollars, the SMTP alerting plugin to send alerts to you via email.

All the plugins are enabled/disabled in the Prelude Manager, and allow various things to happen with this data you are gathering in from your various sensors. Remove what you don't need, and add what you do - you have full control of this.

If modular plugins aren't enough, you can stack them too. Stacking the plugins allows you to take the benefits of one plugin, say the filtering capabilities of the IDMEF-Criteria plugin, and hook it to the Thresholding plugin (limiting the number of events processed), then hooking that to the Database plugin. Effectively, creating a stack of plugins hooking into the next to manipulate a chain of events as you see fit, on the exact events or data that you require.

As you can see, Prelude has plenty to offer in the Event Management/SIM space, is actively developed and supported, with both an Open Source community and a commercial outfit providing both support and enhancements.

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